Partnering with Wheel Story on their journey of 4 Corners of Borneo, Mahorahora had the opportunity to contribute to the protection of orangutans whose population has decreased drastically and their status is critically endangered.
It's Mema. The orangutan who was being cared for at the BOS Foundation rehabilitation center was found by local residents on burning peat land. Mema was then taken to the head of the local village and rescued by a joint rescue team from the Central Kalimantan BKSDA and BOSF Nyaru Menteng. At that time, Mema was estimated to be 4-5 months old and weighed only 2.3 kg. Weak and groaning in pain, it is thought that Mema was also hit by an air rifle bullet because there were small lumps on her body and hips. Unfortunately, this suggests that Mema's mother was allegedly shot and killed.
As a baby orangutan, Mema has a spoiled character but also loves her. During quarantine he easily became friends with the baby sitters and other colleagues at the rehabilitation center. Orangutans like Mema who have lost their mother really need education and rehabilitation to learn survival skills in the forest of their natural habitat.
Orangutan Population
In reality, the decline in the orangutan population itself is not only caused by habitat shifts due to human activities, but also illegal killing and international trade in exotic animals. In the last decade, every year, at least 1.2 million ha of forest area in Indonesia is used for large-scale logging activities, forest burning, and forest conversion for agriculture, plantations, mining, and settlements. Forest fires caused by climate phenomena such as El Nino storms and prolonged dry seasons also have an impact on reducing orangutan populations. Over the past 20 years, the habitat of the Bornean orangutan has decreased by at least 55%.
Sustainable Development Goals
Mahorahora as a business actor who runs a green business not only cares about preserving sugar palm forests but also the hundreds of flora and fauna that live in their natural habitat. By supporting Orangutan rehabilitation, it means that we will save more orangutan lives to protect the animal population from extinction.
The Sustainable Development Goals allow us to participate and make an impact in conserving animals and the environment. All behavior that hinders and is contrary to the principles of SDGs must be abandoned immediately, such as logging, illegal killing, trade in exotic animals. In order to achieve sustainable goals and also the future of our earth.
Donate or Adopt orangutans at BOS Foundation
"Your adoption will be used to support all of our orangutan rehabilitation activities including the procurement of medicines, feed, equipment, rescue missions and cage care and hundreds of other needs needed to maintain the continuity of the process of caring for these extraordinary animals."
Folow Mahorahora stories as sustainable business
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