Try something new! This Almond-Pineapple Thumbprint Cookies recipe is perfect for stocking up on cookies at home, my friends. Healthier and more delicious, for sure, with Mahorahora Organic Arenga Palm Sugar!
Ingredients :
250 gr of all purpose flour
75 gr of Almond flour
½ sdt baking powder
½ tea spoon of salt
½ tea spoon of vanilla powder
170 gr of unsalted butter
100 gr of Mahorahora Granulated Organic Palm Sugar
1 egg
Pineapple Jam
Steps :

1. Preheat the oven for 180C. Prepare a flat baking sheet, line it with parchment paper, or lightly coat it with butter. Set aside
2. Mix well all the dry ingredients : all purpose four, almod flour, baking powder, salt and vanilla powder
3. Beat the butter and Mahorahora powdered palm sugar with a low/medium-speed mixer for 3 minutes, until pale and fluffy. Add the eggs and continue beating until well blended
Add all the dry ingredients until the mixture well blended
3. Take 1½ tablespoons of the dough, shape it into a ball, and place it on the baking sheet, leaving a 5 cm distance between each. Gently press the center of the dough to form a small hole. (You can use the back of a wooden spoon or the bottom of a measuring spoon for this.)
Put the pineapple jam on the small hole
Do this until all the dough is finished
4. Bake in the oven for approximately 15 minutes
5. Cool on a wire rack. The cookies is ready to serve
*gunakan selai nanas yang biasa digunakan untuk mengisi nastar.
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