Mahorahora receives Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance (ESG) Award 2023 By KEHATI which was held in Jakarta, Thursday 27 July 2023. As a sustainable business actor, Mahorahora is considered to have a high commitment to sustainable investment.
Being one of the recipients of the ESG Award in the Best Impact Entrepreneur category, Mahorahora is considered to have extraordinary innovation and have a positive impact on the environment and society, as well as impact on the sustainability agenda, especially the preservation of biodiversity (nature biodiversity), climate change, impact on carbon , pollution prevention, waste management, community involvement, to good business performance. Environmental, Social, and Corporate Governance itself includes important elements for a sustainable business such as Mahorahora in emphasizing the principles of sustainability and good business management.
Slamet Sudijono, CEO dan Co-Founder of Mahorahora Bumi Nusantara expressed his gratitude and thanks for the award given by the KEHATI Foundation to Mahorahora. "This award is certainly a trigger for Mahorahora to continue to grow by running a business with good governance and having a positive impact on the environment and social life."
Mahorahora as a sociopreneur in the field of sustainable forestry that focuses on empowering farmers and local communities, feels that this achievement is a responsibility to maintain our commitment to protecting forests, especially palm trees, and increasing the market potential for native Indonesian palm sugar as our superior product to be accepted. locally and globally, while still implementing the ESG principles.